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Messerschmitt Me-262: Konzepte und Entwicklung
Загадки истории No1-2 (январь 2017) * The Floating Drydock's USS Missouri BB63: Plan Book * Camouflage & Markings No 1 - RAF Fighters 1945-1950 UK Based * Destroyer Escorts of World War Two: Warship's Data Special * Regia Marina Italian Battleships of World War Two * Боевые действия на Балтике в годы Первой мировой войны * Вооруженные силы стран мира No 150 * Soldier Magazine No1 2017 * Загадки истории No 52 (декабрь 2016) * Camouflaged Uniforms of the Wehrmacht [Iso - Galago Publications] * Warships and Submarines of World War II * IJN Submarine Vol.1 (Warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy Photo File No19) * IJN Submarine Vol.2 (Warship of the Imperial Japanese Navy Photo File No20) * The Samurai Swordsman. Master of War * Tirpitz (Ships of War Collection No06) * HMS King George V (Ships of War Collection No07) * AC-40 (130) 63 B on a ZiL-130 chassis Walk Around * SIAI SM.79 Sparviero Walk Around * Sikorski CH-53G Sea Stallion Walk Around * Aranysas 2017-01 * Tradition Magazine 98 - 1995 * International Air ...
М-Хобби 2016-06 (180)
Classic Truck Modeler * Figurines No 25 1998 * Tradition Magazine 84 - 1994 * Waffen SS camouflage uniforms & post-war Derivetives [europa militaria 18] * La Legion. Marruecos 1920 / Bosnia-Herzegovina 1993 (Agualarga) * Husar No 1 - 2004 * Husar No 2 - 2004 * Husar No 3 - 2005 * Skirmish: Living History Magazine Xmas 2016 * Monkeys Spotters Magazine Best of 2016 * Spotters Magazine Yearbook 2016 * Воспоминания современников эпохи 1812 года на страницах журнала Русская старина * Air Force Magazine No2 2017 * Ampersand - Allied-Axis No 5 * Allied-Axis The Photo Journal of the Second World War No.9 * Figurines No 26 1999 * Catalogue Trumpeter 2017-2018 * Submarines War Beneath The Waves From 1776 To The Present Day * Tradition Magazine 85 - 1994 * Navies of the Second World War: German Surface Vessels 2 * Артиллерист береговой артиллерии ВМФ, 1941-1943 годов (Солдаты Великой Отечественной войны No97) * Офицер танковых частей РККА, 1943-1945 гг (Солдаты Великой Отечественной войны No96 ) * Боец стрелковых частей...
Tradition Magazine 75 - 1993
Figurines No 15 1997 * Калашников No12 (декабрь 2016) * Militaria 2016-05 (74) * Fledgling Eagles: Luftwaffe Training Aircraft 1933-1945 * Battle Over The Reich - The Strategic Air Offensive Over Germany vol.1 1939-1943 * Figurines No 16 1997 * Mortars and Rockets * Tradition Magazine 76 - 1993 * Крестовый поход в Европу (Дуайт Эйзенхауэр) * Война в воздухе No 10 - ВВС НАТО против Югославии. Балканы 1991-2000. * German Battleships 1897-1945 (Warships Fotofax) * Soviet Navy at War 1941-1945 (Warships Fotofax) * America's Fighters of the 1980s: F-16 and F-18 (Warbirds Illustrated 17) * Confederate Forces of the American Civil War (Soldiers Fotofax) * Union Forces of the American Civil War (Soldiers Fotofax) * RAF Germany (Warbirds Fotofax) * RAF Air Power Today (Warbirds Illustrated 25) * US Spyplanes (Warbirds Illustrated 24) * B-17 Flying Fortress [Warbirds Illustrated 041] * Soviet Air Power Today (Warbirds Illustrated 48) * Морской сборник No1-12 (январь-декабрь 2016) * Танковые десанты * Figurines No 17 19...
Figurines No 12 1996
North American F-86D Sabre Walk Around * North American F-86K Sabre Dog (Fiat) Walk Around * 28 героiв панфiловцiв * Авиаколлекция No4 - 2016 Ракетный перехватчик ME 163 "Комет" * Scale Military Vehicle Conversions (Crowood) * Die Giganten Me 321 - Me 323 (Luftfahrt Monographie LS3) * Arado Ar 234: Der Erste Strahlbomber Der Welt (Luftfahrt Dokumente 21) * Deutsche Flugzeuge, 1914-1918: E. Dokumentation (Luftfahrt Dokumente 20) * Messerschmitt. Pionnier de L'Aeronautique Allemande de 1914 a nos Jours * Описание подводной лодки проекта 613 * Kampfflugzeuge: Von Starfighter zur Hornet * History Press The Luftwaffe in Camera 1939-1945 * Battles with the Luftwaffe * Militaria in Detail 12. Bell UH-1D Iroquois (Huey) in Detail * Militaria in Detail 4. Jagdpanther * The Royal Air Force of World War Two In Colour (Автор: Roger A. Freeman) * The Mighty Eighth in Art (Arms & Armour Press) * Militaria in Detail 5. Messerschmitt Bf-109G * Tradition Magazine 73 - 1993 * Figurines No 13 1996 * Austro-Hungarian Cruisers an...
Tradition Magazine 60 - 1992
Superyacht International - Winter 2016-2017 (English Edition) * OT-64 SKOT. Historie a vývoj obrněného transportéru (Grada Publishing) * Waffen-Arsenal - 182 - Motoren und Getriebe Deutscher Panzer 1935-1945 * Waffen-Arsenal 176 - Deutsche Sturmgeschuetze im Einsatz * Tradition Magazine 61 - 1992 * Figurines No 2 1995 * Mikoyan MiG-21 (Famous Russian Aircraft) * MiG-29 Midland - Famous Russian Aircraft * Figurines No 3 1995 * Luftwaffe Secret Projects: Strategic Bombers 1935-1945 * British Secret Projects: Jet Bombers Since 1949 * Figurines No 4 1995 * Tradition Magazine 62 - 1992 * Figurines No 5 1995 * Soviet/Russian AWACS Aircraft: Tu-126, A-50, Ka-31 [Red Star 23] * М-Хобби 2008-10 (96) декабрь * М-хобби 9 (95) 2008 * М-хобби 3 (99) 2009 * М-Хобби No 102 - 2009 (6) * Convair B-58 Hustler (Aerofax) * Gloster Meteor (Aerofax) * Merlin: The Legendary Engine and its Aircraft (Aeroplane Aviation Archive No29) * FlyPast 2017-02 * Britain at War 2017-01 * An Illustrated History of Britain * P...
Fleet Air Arm Aircraft 1939 to 1945
Tradition Magazine 38 - 1990 * М-Хобби 2012-02 (130) * Handley Page Hampden and Hereford (Warpaint Series No.57) * М-Хобби No 6 (134) июнь 2012 * М-Хобби No8 2012 (136) * Modern Israeli Tanks and Combat Vehicles [Tanks Illustrated No 24] * Vulcan Last Of The V-Bombers * Новый солдат 205 - Кондотьеры: Дурная слава средневековых наемников 1300-1500. * 15th The King's Hussars. DRESS AND APPOINTMENTS 1759-1914 (ALMARK PUBLICATIONS) * Anatomy of the Ship - The 100-Gun Ship Victory * Banderia Apud Grunwald 1410 [Alexander 2000] * Uniformen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. часть 1 * Uniformen uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. часть 2 * Uniforms Of The Light Brigade (JOHN & BORIS MOLLO) * The GMC A Universal Truck 6x6 and DUKW * Tradition Magazine 48 - 1991 * Conway - Anatomy of the Ship - The Destroyer THE SULLIVANS * Modele Magazine 2017-01 * 37-mm 61-K AA gun mod.1939 Walk Around * Mil Mi-24D Hind Walk Around * Mil Mi-24V Hind Walk Around * Die Cast X - Spring 2017 * 20th Century Wars/Ratovi 20. Stoljeca 2016-04 (08) * Krila...
Бендеры: расстрелянные непокоренные
Рядом со Сталиным * Borogyino, 1812 * Британский лев на Босфоре (Автор: В.Н. Виноградов) * Tradition Magazine 26 - 1989 * Бронированный кулак вермахта * Tradition Magazine 27 - 1989 * Les Bombardiers Americains 1917-1946 (Le Fana de L'Aviation Hors-Serie 58) * Tradition Magazine 28 - 1989 * Журнал "СЕРЖАНТ" No20 2000 * Бронебойным, огонь! Воспоминания танкового аса * Martin B-26 Marauder - WarbirdTech Volume 29 * Mil Mi-24 Hind Attack Helicopter * Luftwaffe Profile Series 3 - Heinkel He 219 Uhu * Kaiser Fleetwings XBTK-1 ( Naval Fighters 48) * Масштабные модели No 60. Масштабные модели ТАНКОВ No 4 * Douglas A-4E/F Skyhawk In Marine Service [Naval Fighters 52] * Tornado Pilot (Osprey Aerospace) * Martin B-57 Canberra (Warpaint Series No. 45) * Fairey Albacore (Warpaint Series No. 52) * Масштабные модели No 61. Секреты сборки моделей танков * Gli Speciali di Focus Storia Wars - 1899-1939 Rivoluzioni e Trincee * Mitsubishi Ki-67/Ki-109 Hiryu in Japanese Army Air Force Service * War Paints Magazine 2016-12 (04) *...
The Wellington Bomber
Журнал "СЕРЖАНТ" No4 1997 * Крейсера "холодной войны" [Арсенал коллекция] * Supermarine Spitfire [Aero Series 10] * Israeli Air Force Tayeset 119 * Масштабные модели No 34 * Журнал "СЕРЖАНТ" No5 1997 * Any Place, Any Time, Any Where: The 1st Air Commandos in World War II * Heinkel He 100, 112 [Aero Series 12] * Масштабные модели No 35 * Storica National Geographic - Gennaio 2017 * Журнал "СЕРЖАНТ" No6 1998 * Silver Wings, Pinks & Greens * Авиаколлекция 3 - 2016. Транспортный самолет Ан-32 * 20th Century Wars/Ratovi 20. Stoljeca 2015-10 (05) * Tradition Magazine 1 - 1987 * Масштабные модели No 36 * U.S. Marine Corps Unit Insignia in Vietnam 1961-1975 (Schiffer Publishing) * Tradition Magazine 2 - 1987 * Tradition Magazine 3 - 1987 * The Ford Tri-Motor 1926-1992 [Schiffer Aviation History] * Tradition Magazine 4 - 1987 * Масштабные модели No 37 * Журнал "СЕРЖАНТ" No8 1998 * 13th Fighter Command in World War II: Air Combat Over Guadalcanal and the Solomons * First to the Front * Tradition Magazine 5 - 1987 * Vis...
Wloskie Pancerniki typu Vittorio Veneto (Biblioteka Morze Statki i Okrety 12)
Todo Modelismo No 11 - 1993 * Война и отечество No 10 2016 * Todo Modelismo No 12 - 1993 * Масштабные модели No 19 * Terrain Modelling * Todo Modelismo No 14 - 1993 * Modell es makett 1998-01 * Modell es makett 1998-02 * Modell es makett 1998-03 * Modell es makett 1998-04 * Modell es makett 1998-06 * Масштабные модели No 20 * М-Хобби No 4 2009 (100) * М-Хобби No11 (128) декабрь 2011 * Масштабные модели No 21 * HobbyWorld No195 2016 * Ali in miniatura No 20 - 2003 * Todo Modelismo No 18 - 1994 * Ships in Scale No 6 - 1999 * Modelling WWII Figures (OSPREY Modelling Manuals No 9) * Униформа III Рейха. Бронетанковые войска. 1934-1945 * 20th Century Wars/Ratovi 20. Stoljeca 2015-06 (03) * Uniforms,Organization and History of the Waffen-SS (5) * Uniforms,Organization and History of the Waffen-SS (4) * Масштабные модели No 23 * Todo Modelismo No 21 - 1994 * Зарубежное военное обозрение 2016-11 * Родина No 11 2000 * Todo Modelismo No 22 - 1994 * 日本海軍軍装図鑑: ८...
MiG-19PM Farmer Walk Around
Model NDG12 Saison 3, Numero 4, 2005-10-11-12 * Model Military International 65 (September 2011) * Техника Молодёжи No 1-12 - 2007 * Масштабные модели No 11 * Сага об Исландцах * Танк T-34 выпуск 132 (Постройте точную копию Т-34-85) * 20th Century Wars/Ratovi 20. Stoljeca 2015-02 (01) * Modern Fighting Helicopters * Model Military International No 43 (11-2009) * Масштабные модели No 12 * Pro Modell 2000-05 * Pro Modell 2000-06 * ModellFan 3 - 2005 * Масштабные модели No 13 * Масштабные модели No 14 * Uniformen der Deutschen Infanterie 1888 bis 1914 in Farbe * М-Хобби 2015-05 (167) * The Kaiser's Army In Color. Uniforms of the Imperial German Army as Illustrated by Carl Becker 1890-1910 * Gebirgsjager 1939-1945 (Motor Buch Verlag) * Оборона Одессы. 73 дня героической обороны города * Lockheed Blackbird: Beyond the Secret Missions * Масштабные модели No 15 * Super Model 2010-05 (30) * Super Model 2010-02 (27) * SA-4 Ganef Walk Around * MiG-21F, MA, MF & UM Fishbed Walk Around * MiG-21F-13 Fishbed Walk Around * ...