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RollerPlace.com - the international portal, the devoted roller-sports. The primary goal - association of people and their interests connected about a roller-sports, and also its development and strengthening in support of a healthy way of life. Considering a level of development a roller-sports today, we can tell with confidence, that the market and a society have ripened for occurrence such the Internet-resource as Rollerplace. Rollerplace is a trustworthy information about: Roller skating as sports and rest News in the world of roller-sports Roller skates Accessories and their manufacturers, opportunities them to get, being in any point of the civilized world, And, the most important, about us and you! Rollerplace has representations in cities of Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, Israel. We plan expansion of a network of representations in the CIS countries, the Europe, Asia, therefore we are always glad to cooperation.
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RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Update Info ZDF InlinerDays / FRIC 2007 2007-09-14 19:57 Hi Friends, we have good and bad news considering the Skate Event in Mainz / Germany. The good one comes first: The Halfpipe Competition will definitively take place! Unfortunatley it will not be possible to hold the Street Competition in Mainz! It is definitively cancelled! There are a couple of different reasons on wich we had no influence. Though we hope that a lot of you come to Mainz, having fun and represent rolling - after all rolling is repre...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
RTP street comp : Photos 2007-09-14 18:30 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) RTP street comp : Photos. Link RTP street comp : Photos 2007-09-14 18:30 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) RTP street comp : Photos. Link ...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Jacob Juul : Marseille 13 Kink, done ! 2007-09-14 12:44 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Mateusz Kowalski - The Hive Profile 2007-09-14 14:55 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Profile of Mateusz Kowalski, Hedonskate team rider. Thanks Mirek. Download : thehiveprofile.divx Jeff Dalnas section (age: 12-14) 2007-09-14 15:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Old edit of Jeff Dalnas skating back in 2000-2001. Thanks Jeff. Jacob Juul : Marseille 13 Kink, done ! 2007-09-14 12:44 durrenbe@yahoo....
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
More Aggressivemall lovely Customs 2007-09-12 16:04 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) up : Scarlet Razors S3 More Aggressivemall lovely Customs. More / AM Thanks Sb3000 up : Orange Remz 0703 Con Artist Brand : 2 awesome edits 2007-09-12 16:10 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) The BIRDZ and the BEEZ Hi Quality Trailer #1 - Format Distributions. Download: birdznbeez.mov pro.edit - BRAD MAGNUSON Download : bradonline.mov http://conartistbrand.wordpress.com/ David Jones by Jeff Linett 2007-09-12 16...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Links for 2007-09-11 [del.icio.us] 2007-09-12 09:00 Pimp Cup 2007 Clips Links for 2007-09-11 [del.icio.us] 2007-09-12 09:00 Pimp Cup 2007 Clips ...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Extreme Cash 2007-09-12 05:18 A $10,000 grand prize will be up for grabs at the AIL World Championships, Sept. 28-30, in Tehachapi, CA. Rolling the Silver Strand 2007-09-12 05:18 Skaters will once again be part of the mix in the Silver Strand Half Marathon (Nov. 11) in San Diego. Extreme Cash 2007-09-12 05:18 A $10,000 grand prize will be up for grabs at the AIL World Championships, Sept. 28-30, in Tehachapi, CA. Rolling the Silver Strand 2007-09-12 05:18 Skaters will once again be part of the mix in the S...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Revolution Tns Sunday Special (edit) 2007-09-11 16:16 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Check the video in a larger version (looks better. Thanks TTIW Skating. Photos 2007-09-11 16:29 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) up : cody sanders - xgrind Featuring shelby ervin, cody sanders and richard gailey. Link Experimental Edit by Mano 2007-09-11 17:26 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Thanks Mano. Inline Warehouse Videolog 2007-09-11 17:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Inline Wareho...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
It's a Go for Houston 2007-09-11 02:09 The Houston Inline Marathon Weekend is set for Nov. 3-4, making it the last outdoor event of the season. It's a Go for Houston 2007-09-11 02:09 The Houston Inline Marathon Weekend is set for Nov. 3-4, making it the last outdoor event of the season. ...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Love from the Glove - Gary Murphy 2007-09-10 22:08 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Gary Murphy section from Detroit area video called Love from the Glove. Circa 2004-2005ish? Thanks Alex. Love from the Glove - Gary Murphy 2007-09-10 22:08 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Gary Murphy section from Detroit area video called Love from the Glove. Circa 2004-2005ish? Thanks Alex. ...
RollerPlace.com - Don't stand still!
Conference tour stop in Poland 2007-09-10 20:04 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Thanks Fishmeister. Conference tour stop in Poland 2007-09-10 20:04 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Thanks Fishmeister. ...