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RollerPlace.com - the international portal, the devoted roller-sports. The primary goal - association of people and their interests connected about a roller-sports, and also its development and strengthening in support of a healthy way of life. Considering a level of development a roller-sports today, we can tell with confidence, that the market and a society have ripened for occurrence such the Internet-resource as Rollerplace. Rollerplace is a trustworthy information about: Roller skating as sports and rest News in the world of roller-sports Roller skates Accessories and their manufacturers, opportunities them to get, being in any point of the civilized world, And, the most important, about us and you! Rollerplace has representations in cities of Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania, Canada, Israel. We plan expansion of a network of representations in the CIS countries, the Europe, Asia, therefore we are always glad to cooperation.
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FIRS NEWSLETTER - NOVEMBER 20 2007-11-28 08:00 Dear Friends of rollersports, The time has come for rollersports to change skin and achieve a . FIRS - Gold Coast Final Results 2007-11-28 08:00 by Nicola Genchi Its almost a week the World Championships are over but for those who have been in Gold Coast watching the competitions the memory both of the place and of the championships will remain for long time. The leader nations in the various . THE EMPIRE SKATE BUILDING NEEDS YOU! 2007-11-28 08:00 The World's ...
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Attention Meet Host *Updated 11/27/07) 2007-11-27 08:00 New Adam's photo 2007-11-27 11:23 New photo made by Chameleon was added to Adam Z.urawiecki's and was published as photo of the week on Inmag.info. SIFIKA SL 415 EVO Liner 2007-11-27 15:34 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) * 3D ankle padding inside, full neopren sock liner inside * shock innersole * Neopren toe cap * walking sole * Neopren pocket on bottom for shockabsorbers * carrying strap * bird eye ] Fabio Enes : 2003 Session 2007-11-27 15:3...
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2007 SUB 20 MENS Hardball Hockey WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS - Update #1 2007-11-26 08:00 by Tom Hughes The Third Sub 20 . 6th Annual Presidents Day Invitational 2007-11-26 08:00 Dear Professionals and Skaters, Petmen's setup 2007-11-26 12:02 Setup photo was added to Pawel Komosa's profile. Wilfried Rossignol & Romain Godenaire : Razors Icons 2007-11-26 13:33 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Wilfried Rossignol & Romain Godenaire testing the Razors Icons skates for Hawaii Surf. Chelles Skatepark (France....
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Be-Mag : Issue 25 2007-11-25 15:58 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Enlarge the picture / via - About by Cameron Card - Don Bambrick - Making of Razors dvd - What has Chris Farmer been up to - Denial Tour - Kingdom Tour - Ignition Tour - Valo Tour OG Edit 2007-11-25 16:08 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Old guys Eric Dalnas (30 years old, Jeff's Brother) and Johnny Vu (32 years old) skating around new england. Thanks Jeff Dalnas. Shake, Rattle and Roll to Clean Inline Skate Bearings 2007-11-...
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Attention Meet Host *Updated 11/21/07) 2007-11-21 08:00 Kingdom Mag Hits The Shelves 2007-11-24 15:52 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Available from all good skate shops or subscribe online at www.kingdom-mag.co.uk. Forum dedicated topic Zhangchi, Soulcrew (China) 2007-11-24 16:01 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Thanks Schai. Tyler Reidy : rolling! 2007-11-24 18:12 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Thanks Stefgnaz (french topic. Inline Skates Make Great Transportation for House Calls ...
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Another Nils's edit 2007-11-23 11:51 New edit: One weekend on Ignition Skatepark was added to Nils Jansons's profile. Rachard Johnson, Nacho, David Jones & more : photos by Jeff Linett 2007-11-23 12:29 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Nils Jansons : Edit 2007-11-23 12:46 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Nils Jansons - Hedonskate Latvia Team Rider - one weekend at Ignition Skatepark. Thanks Mirek & Szymon. Download: nils_ignition.wmv Christian Delfino : Photo set updated 2007-11-23 15:00 d...
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Made in Poland III : full video 2007-11-22 10:39 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Intro Krako'w + Pawel/ Fijal/ Check the rest of the video here (5 more parts. Thanks Pabloo. Trask Park Edit 2007-11-22 11:45 Kolejny edit z Trask Park'u tym tazem autorstwa Kojota zostal/ dodany do dzial/u AD: TEAM DESHI SHOOTING BARCELONA 2007-11-22 12:55 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) AD from: Chris Cheshire, Jefferson Santana, Benny Harmanus and Oli Benet get shot by Philipp Forstner in Barcelona, Spain. E...
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Jerk Montage 2007-11-21 12:06 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Download: AndrewNemo-JerkMontage954.mov Here's a montage I put together with clips I found from January-April `07. 95% of the clips are from Florida. Thanks Andrew Nemroski. Song: Jerk It Out - The Caesars Results : Make Da NL Artwork Wheel 2007-11-21 12:25 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Here is the winning design of the Make Da NL Artwork Wheel Contest (Spermatozoons. You can check the top ten entries here. Razors UK 2007 DVD T...
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Attention Meet Host *Updated 11/20/07) 2007-11-20 08:00 Rolling Rock : USA Gallery updated 2007-11-20 10:43 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) up : Mushroom, Fahrvergnu:gen, San Diego Rolling Rock : USA Gallery updated Link Next/previous photo buttons availiable at the bottom right part of the page up: Studi, toe stall to fakie, i-5 ditch / Pic: Siddi / Studi (koubis note: love the water reflection) Carlos Pianowski : UC Wheels Ad 2007-11-20 12:16 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Carlos Pianows...
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SHAKING TO THE HOLIDAY BEAT - 10th Annual Holiday Show 2007-11-19 08:00 2007 SEASON CLOSER 2007-11-19 08:00 The Rocky Mountain Rollergirls' 5280 Fight Club Take On NYC's Gotham Girls Roller Derby National Museum of Roller Skating: Director/Curator 2007-11-19 08:30 USA ROLLER SPORTS: SALES AND MARKETING DIRECTOR 2007-11-19 09:00 USA Roller Sports is the . NYC Edits (2005-2006) 2007-11-19 12:24 durrenbe@yahoo.com (David Durrenberger) Featuring RAMELLE KNIGHT, JOHN STEPHENS AND JESUS MEDINA. Thanks stackbundl...