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В выпуске N 240 от 04.08.2007

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Medical News

выпуск N 239 от 03.08.2007

Сервер медицинских новостей

В выпуске:


Малярия - Россия (Саратовская область)
птичка Пневмония (Легионеллез, эпидемия) - Россия (Свердловская область)(5)
птичка Phosphorus Spill, Sickness - Ukraine (02)
птичка Tick-Borne Encephalitis - Russia (Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Kemerovo)
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Малярия - Россия (Саратовская область)

Дата: 3 Августа 2007
От: ПроМЕД-мэйл Корр ВМ
Источник: ИА: <Регнум>, 3 августа 2007 [Модератор НР]

В Балакове отмечен случай малярии

В Балакове отмечен случай малярии. Как пояснили медики, он - из разряда недолеченых. В марте 2007 года за медицинской помощью обратилась жительница Балакова, которая вернулась из туристической поездки в Индию. Тогда выяснилось, что она привезла с собой малярию. После курса лечения её выписали, но, как оказалось, рано: спустя несколько месяцев опасная инфекционная болезнь снова проявила себя. Специалисты дезцентра выявили потенциальный очаг заражения: поселок Сазанлей, где живет женщина, 8"А" и 5"А" микрорайоны, где она бывала в этом году. Медикам пришлось сделать подворный обход, осмотреть десятки зданий, в том числе комитет здравоохранения и балаковскую администрацию. Помещения обработаны специальными растворами. Теперь медики уверены, что комары-разносчики в местах обработки уничтожены, сообщает Информационный сайт Балаково.

[Комментарий Мод НР.  Это один из очередных случаев привозной малярии. При своевременном и адекватном лечении малярия излечима, но в описанной ситуации дело может осложниться ростом устойчивости возбудителя к лекарственным средствам.  Mod NR]

Пневмония (Легионеллез, эпидемия) - Россия (Свердловская область)(5)

175 госпитализированных
Дата: 3 Августа 2007
От: ПроМЕД-мэйл  корр ВМ
Источник: ИА Регнум, 3 Авгста 2007 [Модератор НР]

Количество заболевших пневмонией в Верхней Пышме достигло 175 человек
Продолжает расти количество госпитализированных в Верхней Пышме. По состоянию на 8 утра 3 августа их количество уже достигло 175 человек, диагноз "легионалез" поставлен 150-ти. При этом в реанимации остается только один человек, накануне их было пять, количество погибших - четверо человек. По поводу причин смерти пятой женщины Минздрав пока не обладает точной информацией, сообщили корреспонденту ИА REGNUM в ведомстве. Добавим, что, по заверениям врачей, вспышка заболевания в Верхней Пышме находится под контролем, людей госпитализируют с любыми простудными симптомами. 31 человек уже выписан из клиники.

[Комментарий. Кор ВМ. Интересна еще одна версия возникновения вспышки легионеллеза на Среднем Урале, которую озвучили журналисты ИА "Новый Реион": "Причиной вспышки легионеллы на Среднем Урале стали военные испытания, - версия верхнепышминцев".
Жители Верхней Пышмы (Свердловская область), где произошло массовое заражение <болезнью легионеров>, утверждают, что официальная версия о причинах эпидемии - ложь. Дело не в горячей воде, а в промышленном выбросе с одного из предприятий города, считают верхнепышминцы.
Об этом рассказала <Новому Региону> глава СРО партии <Яблоко> Мария Дронова. По ее словам, в партию обратилось три жителя города с опровержением официальной информации. <Они обратились независимо друг от друга. Все говорят, что опрессовки тут ни при чем. В цехе одного из заводов проводились военные испытания, и последовавший затем промышленный выброс распространил заразу. Причем, по информации верхнепышминцев, все заболевшие живут как раз в районе вокруг этого цеха>, - сообщила Дронова.
Возможно, что эта версия вспышки легионеллеза только плод больного воображения жителей "Верхней Пышмы", но они, вероятно, хорошло помнят, что власти Екатеринбурга умеют замалчивать биологические катастрофы. Как, например, это уже было с той же вспышкой сибирской язвы в 1979 году, которая произошла в результате аварии на военном заводе, но об истинных причинах которой стало известно стало только через 12 лет.- Cor VM]
Phosphorus Spill, Sickness - Ukraine (02)
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Wed 18 Jul 2007
Source: Economic.ua [in Russian, trans. Mod.NR/CP, edited]

According to preliminary data, more than 50 people sought medical attention due to phosphorus poisoning. These people were in the zone of the accident [on 16 Jul 2007, a freight train derailed and released a cloud of toxic gas]; most of them are local residents or people involved [in clean-up operations]. All of the victims are hospitalized in the 4th military hospital.

"The deputy chief of the Lvov Public Health Department, Miron Borisevich, stated that local hospitals are ready to receive
casualties. The supply of drinking water to villages in the Busskoro region had been cut. The inhabitants of villages affected by the disaster have been advised to remain indoors, make use of sorbents [see comment], and have been forbidden to use water from wells."

[The Lvov city council of the Ministry of Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection], has communicated to area residents that the several wagons of the cargo train loaded with phosphorus that overturned about 50 km (31 mi) from Buzskiy district do not pose a health threat to the inhabitants of the oblast center areas.

As was reported previously, on 16 Jul 2007, a train derailment caused 15 tanker cars loaded with yellow phosphorus to overturn. Phosphorus leaked and 6 tanker cars caught fire, releasing a toxic cloud that is now about 90 km [55.9 miles] in radius and affecting 14 inhabited areas where 11 000 people live, including the Radehovskiy and Brodovskiy districts of Lvov. Another 800 people live in Buzskiy district.

Communicated by:
ProMED-RUS Correspondent VM

Date: Wed 18 Jul 2007
Source: RUpor.info [in Russian, trans. Mod.NR, edited]

According to Sergey Isayev, professor of chemical sciences at the National University "Kiyevo-Mogilyanka Academ", the final consequences [of the phosphorus spill in the Lvov region] will become obvious with time.  His preliminary observation on the catastrophe is that nothing similar has happened before in Ukraine. "I think that officials are not telling the whole truth. It is very important that wagons transporting phosphorus have particular specifications to prevent the contact of phosphorus with air."

Even in special containers, it should be transported under inert gas. The containers should be airproofed. That is why the method of transportation of the phosphorus is being questioned. Also, usually phosphorus as a substance should not be transported in large quantities, only as compounds.  [It is difficult to see how contact with the air could be avoided when the containers leaked. - Mod.JW]

Now more on the consequences: The cloud that is formed contains phosphoric acid that will come back to earth as a concentrated chemical rain. The concentrated acid burns everything. That is why ecologists should be concerned. Chronic poisoning is also not excluded; when the excess of phosphorus is collected in the human body, it 1st affects the liver, later the kidneys, and other internal organs involved in substance exchange.

It is not recommended that people eat food grown in the garden because the soil could be contaminated. Unfortunately, domestic animals cannot be prevented from eating the grass. Over time, the danger of phosphorus poisoning will diminish, but residual phosphorus will be preserved in the soil for a long time. If phosphorus appears in ground water, due to excess of phosphors, stronger biological forms start to develop that can suppress other biological forms of life. This is called a biological catastrophe: overgrowth of life forms that are not considered by the natural ecosystem [see ProMED refs. below. - Mod.JW]

Communicated by:
ProMED-RUS Correspondent Vadim Melnik

[According to the previous posting on this topic, only 16 people were initially hospitalized and a day later we have more than 50. More negative consequences can be expected. - Mod.NR Sorbents are insoluble materials or mixtures of materials used to recover liquids through the mechanism of absorption, or adsorption, or both. It is supposed that the recommendation is to use these materials to absorb the phosphorus from contaminated surfaces. - Mod.JW

Tick-Borne Encephalitis - Russia (Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Kemerovo)

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

In this update:
[1] TBE in Irkutsk Oblast
[2] TBE in Arkhangelsk Oblast
[3] TBE in Kemerovo Oblast

[1] TBE in Irkutsk Oblast
Date: Mon 16 Jul 2007
Source: IA Regnum News Agency, [in Russian, trans. Mod.AS; edited]

New Cases of TBE registered in Irkutsk Oblast
A total of 2 new cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) have been registered in the Irkutsk Oblast during the past week [8-15 Jul 2007]. The press office of the Ministry of Emergency Situation of the Russian Federation has announced that during the week from 8 to 15 Jul 2007, 361 people, including 56 children, sustained tick bites.

Since the beginning of the risk season [10 Apr 2007] 9535 people, including 1934 children, have sought medical treatment for tick bites. Altogether, 60 cases of tick-borne encephalitis have been recorded since the beginning of the season, 13 of whom are children. An area of 1317 hectares [3254.36 acres] has undergone tick disinfestation treatment, including 352 hectares [869.8 acres] assigned for 110 summer camps.

Communicated by:
ProMED-mail promed@promedmail.org

[2] TBE in Arkhangelsk Oblast
Date: Fri 13 Jul 2007
Source: Regnum News Agency [translated from Russia by Mod.AR; edited]

40 cases of TBE confirmed in Arkhangelsk Oblast
As of 12 Jul 2007 5030 people have sustained tick bites in the Arkhangelsk Oblast, including 1501 children. The administration of Rospotrebnadzor (Agency for Protection of Right of Consumers) has reported that there has been an increased incidence of 27 percent in comparison with the previous year [2006]. 2841 people have received serum prophylaxis, which is 53 percent of those with registered tick bites. Of those who sought medical assistance 39.02 percent were adults. 88.5 percent of children with tick bites received serum prophylaxis. [Immunoglobulin against tick-borne encephalitis is manufactured in Russia from immunized horses. - Mod.NP]

A total of 40 cases of tick-borne encephalitis have been confirmed now among 97 patients hospitalized on suspicion of having contracted the disease.

An area of 231.39 hectares [571.7 acres] has been treated with acaricidal chemicals.
Communicated by:
ProMED-mail promed@promedmail.org

[3] TBE in Kemerovo Oblast
Date: Fri 13 Jul 3007
Source: Regnum News Agency [translated from Russian by Mod.AS; edited]

2 fatal cases of TBE in Kemerovo Oblast
Since the beginning of the tick-borne encephalitis risk season -- 10 Apr 2007 -- 26 573 inhabitants of the Kemerovo Oblast have sought medical treatment, including 5539 children. According to Valentin Sokolov, head of the Kuzbass Rospotrebnadzor office, 30 935 people in the year 2006 had sustained tick bites by 12 Jul, including 6373 children.

During the past week 606 people have sought medical treatment for tick bites. This is less than during the same week in the previous year (1167 in 2006). The season of infection passed sooner, however, and it also started sooner than usually. The peak of infection occurred from 21-27 May 2007, then it declined, Sokolov said. Rains and cold weather limited visits to wooded areas and risk of tick-bite.

There have been 533 admissions to hospitals on suspicion of tick-borne encephalitis (635 in 2006), including 33 admissions during the past week [9-13 Jul 2007]. At total of 56 cases have been laboratory confirmed and 2 people have died. Sokolov considered the supply of serum in the region as sufficient, despite shortages in some places.

Communicated by:

[The reports of new cases of tick borne encephalitis infection and deaths continue to come from Russia. The epidemic now embraces 50 regions of Russia and the number of affected exceeds 30 000 people. The number of tick bites [reported] has decreased but cases of tick-borne encephalitis are not diminishing. During July [2007] 2 deaths have been registered in Kemerovo. All this is happening against the background of global shortage of specific immune globulin, which helps to prevent infection and improve survival. It should be reasonable to improve the supply of the immune globulin. - Mod.VM]

[Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), also known as Central European encephalitis or Russian spring-summer encephalitis, is a flavivirus infection of the central nervous system. The two most important genotypes of tick-borne encephalitis virus are the European and Far Eastern genotypes, transmitted by the hard ticks _Ixodes ricinus_ and _I. persulcatus_, respectively. Human infections are acquired through bites of infected ticks or, rarely, by ingesting unpasteurized dairy products primarily from infected goats, sheep, or cows.

A comprehensive update on tick-borne encephalitis viruses and the availability of vaccines can be found in the "CDC Health Information for International Travel 2007-2008," handbook which is available online at:

A map of the administrative regions of Russia can be accessed at: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Russian-regions.png.
It is clear that the risk of tick-borne encephalitis virus infection extends throughout the length and breadth of Russia. - Mod.CP]

Рекомендуем посетить:

Сайт "Биозащита": проблемы противодействия биотерроризму, распространению биологического   (бактериологического) оружия, массовым заболеваниям людей, животных и растений антропогенного и природного происхождения.

В поле зрения на 30.07.2007:

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