Новые вакансии на JobinWeb.ru (Компьютеры, программирование, 1С)
Дата: 22.03.04 14:07
Вакансия: Администратор Интернет-магазина
Город: Москва
Оплата: от 400 долл./мес. Описание:
Электротехническая компания приглашает на работу администратора Интернет-магазина, техническое образование, продвинутый пользователь. подробнее...
Дата: 22.03.04 11:11
Вакансия: QA инженер, тестировщик
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Оплата: от 500 долл./мес. Описание:
The candidate will work closely with other test engineers and software developers to perform stability, functional and/or regression tests to ensure that software product meets quality requirements.
The essential requirements:
- Expertise in Windows NT/2K/XP, networking, debugging tools.
- Ability to write test plans and problem reports in English.
- Experience in C++ or Visual Basic programming.
- Experience in using scripting languges and GNU make.
- Expertise in telephony hardware.
Дата: 22.03.04 11:14
Вакансия: Программист
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Оплата: от 600 долл./мес. Описание:
Maintenance and development of user-interface components of large Computer Telephony Integration project. Participation in requirement review sessions, low-level design of assigned components, coding, bug fixing, and participating in product testing.
The essential requirements:
- Experience of GUI design; VB, VB Script, JScript programming; HTML
- 2+ years experience developing commercial windows software
- Basic experience in C++ programming
- Knowledge of COM
Дата: 22.03.04 11:16
Город: Санкт-Петербург
Оплата: от 600 долл./мес. Описание:
Maintenance and further development of our product called "SmartTrek". SmartTrek is a comprehensive bug- and task-tracking tool tightly integrated into the development process of various software development teams.
- strong experience in server-side and database technologies, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and HTML;
- 3+ years experience in development of web and database applications;