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Сегодня мы продолжаем разбирать рассказ Редьярда Киплинга - «Садовник» (“The
Gardener” by Rudyard Kipling).
“The Gardener”
by Rudyard Kipling
«As if anything could,» - she began.
«Если что-нибудь и могло бы...» - начала она.
«All right. We won't talk about it any more if it makes you cry.»
«Хорошо. Мы не будем больше говорить об этом, чтобы ты не плакала.»
He never mentioned the thing again of his own will, but when, two years later, he managed to have measles in the holidays, as his temperature went up tot the appointed one hundred and four he muttered of nothing else, till Helen's voice, piercing at last his delirium, reached him with assurance that nothing on earth or beyond could make any difference between them.
Больше он не говорил об этом по собственному желанию, но когда два года спустя он ухитрился подхватить корь на каникулах, лежа с температурой под 104 он только об этом и бормотал, пока голос Хелен, прорвавшись сквозь его бред, не убедил его, что ничто ни на земле, ни выше не способно их разделить.
The terms at his school and the wonderful Christmas, Easter, and Summer holidays followed each other, variegated and glorious as jewels on a string; and as jewels Helen treasured them.
Семестры в школе и чудесные рождественские, пасхальные и летние каникулы следовали одни за другими, пестрые и славные, как драгоценные камни на нитке, и как драгоценные камни Хелен их берегла.
In due time Michael developed his own interests, which ran their courses and gave way to others; but his interest in Helen was constant and increasing throughout.
В положенный срок менялись интересы Майкла, они шли своим чередом, уступая дорогу следующим, но его любовь к Хелен была постоянной, на всем протяжении она лишь крепла.
She repaid it with all that she had of affection or could command of counsel and money; and since Michael was no fool, the War took him just before what was like to have been a most promising career.
Она же платила всей своей привязанностью, а иногда могла дать совет или помочь деньгами; и поскольку Майкл был не глуп, Война застала его как раз на пороге того, что могло бы обернуться самой заманчивой карьерой.
mention /ˈmenʃn/ – упоминать
manage – ухитриться, умудриться
measles /ˈmiːzlz/ – корь
mutter – бормотать
pierce /pɪəs/ – прорываться, пронизывать
delirium – бред
assurance /əˈʃʊərəns/ – уверение
variegated /ˈveəriəɡeɪtɪd/ – пестрый
glorious – славный
jewels /ˈdʒuːəlz/ – драгоценные камни
string - нить, струна
treasure /ˈtreʒə(r)/ – хранить, беречь
constant – постоянный
throughout /θruːˈaʊt/ – на всем протяжении
affection /əˈfekʃn/ – привязанность, любовь
command – давать
counsel /ˈkaʊnsl/ - совет
of his own will - по своей воле, по своему желанию
as his temperature went up tot the appointed one hundred and four - когда его температура поднялась до отметки 104 (104⁰F = 40⁰C)
which (interests) ran their courses and gave way to others - которые шли своим чередом (ходом) уступая дорогу другим
the War took him just before what was like to have been a most promising career - Война застала его как раз на пороге того, что могло бы стать самой заманчивой карьерой
"As if anything could," - she began.
"All right. We won't talk about it any more if it makes you cry". He never mentioned the thing again of his own will, but when, two years later, he managed to have measles in the holidays, as his temperature went up tot the appointed one hundred and four he muttered of nothing else, till Helen's voice, piercing at last his delirium, reached him with assurance that nothing on earth or beyond could make any difference between them.
The terms at his school and the wonderful Christmas, Easter, and Summer holidays followed each other, variegated and glorious as jewels on a string; and as jewels Helen treasured them. In due time Michael developed his own interests, which ran their courses and gave way to others; but his interest in Helen was constant and increasing throughout. She repaid it with all that she had of affection or could command of counsel and money; and since Michael was no fool, the War took him just before what was like to
have been a most promising career.
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