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Выпуск No42

Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 45 (77) от 2009-10-22  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 8641


Дорогие читатели!

Сегодня мы продолжим нашу работу над книгой Дэвида Эддингса – Обретение Чуда (David Eddings – The Pawn of Prophecy). Очень надеюсь, что она вам нравится.

by D. Eddings

1. Farmer Faldor was a good master. (Фермер Фолдор был хорошим хозяином) 2. He was a tall, serious man with a long nose and an even longer jaw. (Он был высоким, серьёзным человеком с длинным носом и подбородком ещё длиннее) 3. Though he seldom laughed or even smiled, he was kindly to those who worked for him and seemed more intent on maintaining them all in health and well-being than extracting the last possible ounce of sweat from them. (И хотя он редко смеялся или даже улыбался, он был добр к тем кто работал на него и казалось скорее стремился поддержать их здоровье и хорошее самочувствие чем извлечь последнюю возможную каплю пота из них) 4. In many ways he was more like a father than a master to the sixty-odd people who lived on his freeholding. (Во многом он был больше как отец чем как хозяин для шестидесяти с небольшим людей которые жили с ним) 5. He ate with them-which was unusual, since many farmers in the district sought to hold themselves aloof from their workers-and his presence at the head of the central table in the dining hall exerted a restraining influence on some of the younger ones who tended sometimes to be boisterous. (Он ел с ними – что было необычно, так как многие фермеры в области пытались держаться в стороне от работников – и его присутствие во главе центрального стола обеденного зала оказывал сдерживающее влияние на некоторых работников помоложе, которые имели обыкновение пошуметь) 6. Farmer Faldor was a devout man, and he invariably invoked with simple eloquence the blessing of the Gods before each meal. (Фермер Фолдор был набожным человеком, и он неизменно и с незамысловатым красноречием просил благословения Богов перед каждым приёмом пищи) 7. The people of his farm, knowing this, filed with some decorum into the dining hall before each meal and sat in the semblance at least of piety before attacking the heaping platters and bowls of food that Aunt Pol and her helpers had placed before them. (Люди с его фермы, зная это, по-очереди заходили в обеденный зал перед едой с благопристойным видом и садились по крайней мере с видом набожности перед тем как наброситься на полные тарелки с едой которую тётя Пол и её помошники ставили перед ними)


2. even – даже (ещё)
jaw – челюсть
He was a tall, serious man with a long nose and an even longer jaw.

3. seldom – редко
seem – казаться
intent – сконцентрированный
maintain – поддерживать
well-being – хорошее самочуствие
extract – извлекать
ounce – унция
sweat – пот
Though he seldom laughed or even smiled, he was kindly to those who worked for him and seemed more intent on maintaining them all in health and well-being than extracting the last possible ounce of sweat from them.

4. -odd – с небольшим
freeholding – земля свободного землевладельца
In many ways he was more like a father than a master to the sixty-odd people who lived on his freeholding.

5. district – округ, область
seek (sought) – пытаться, стремиться (к)
aloof – надменно, в стороне
presence – присутствие
exert – влиять, оказывать давление
restraining – сдерживающий
influence – влияние
tend – склоняться (к), иметь тенденцию
boisterous – шумный
He ate with them-which was unusual, since many farmers in the district sought to hold themselves aloof from their workers-and his presence at the head of the central table in the dining hall exerted a restraining influence on some of the younger ones who tended sometimes to be boisterous.

6. devout – набожный
invariably – неизменно
invoke – взывать, призывать
eloquence – красноречие
blessing – благословение
God – Бог
meal – приём пищи
Farmer Faldor was a devout man, and he invariably invoked with simple eloquence the blessing of the Gods before each meal.

7. file – идти гуськом
decorum – воспитанность, благопристойность
semblance – подобие, внешний вид
piety – благочестие, набожность
heaping – полный
platter – деревянная тарелка
bowl – миска
The people of his farm, knowing this, filed with some decorum into the dining hall before each meal and sat in the semblance at least of piety before attacking the heaping platters and bowls of food that Aunt Pol and her helpers had placed before them.


7. The people of his farm, knowing this, filed with some decorum into the dining hall before each meal and sat in the semblance at least of piety before attacking the heaping platters and bowls of food that Aunt Pol and her helpers had placed before them.
Форма “had done” использована, чтобы показать, что до того момента в прошлом, о котором идет речь (конкретный момент в истории), что-то случилось, закончилось, имело место (еда была поставлена).


4. something-odd – сколько-то с небольшим
In many ways he was more like a father than a master to the sixty-odd people who lived on his freeholding.

5. seek to do something – пытаться что-то сделать
exert an influence on somebody – оказывать влияние на кого-то
tend to do something – иметь склонность к чему-то
He ate with them-which was unusual, since many farmers in the district sought to hold themselves aloof from their workers-and his presence at the head of the central table in the dining hall exerted a restraining influence on some of the younger ones who tended sometimes to be boisterous.

6. invoke a blessing – попросить благословения
Farmer Faldor was a devout man, and he invariably invoked with simple eloquence the blessing of the Gods before each meal.

7. in semblance of – под видом
The people of his farm, knowing this, filed with some decorum into the dining hall before each meal and sat in the semblance at least of piety before attacking the heaping platters and bowls of food that Aunt Pol and her helpers had placed before them.


Farmer Faldor was a good master. He was a tall, serious man with a long nose and an even longer jaw. Though he seldom laughed or even smiled, he was kindly to those who worked for him and seemed more intent on maintaining them all in health and well-being than extracting the last possible ounce of sweat from them. In many ways he was more like a father than a master to the sixty-odd people who lived on his freeholding. He ate with them-which was unusual, since many farmers in the district sought to hold themselves aloof from their workers-and his presence at the head of the central table in the dining hall exerted a restraining influence on some of the younger ones who tended sometimes to be boisterous. Farmer Faldor was a devout man, and he invariably invoked with simple eloquence the blessing of the Gods before each meal. The people of his farm, knowing this, filed with some decorum into the dining hall before each meal and sat in the semblance at least of piety before attacking the heaping platters and bowls of food that Aunt Pol and her helpers had placed before them.

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      • по технологии обучения;
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Английский с Матушкой Гусыней для детей и взрослых
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Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!
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