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Выпуск No40

Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 42 (74) от 2009-10-08  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 8505


Дорогие читатели!

Сегодня мы продолжим нашу работу над книгой Дэвида Эддингса – Обретение Чуда (David Eddings – The Pawn of Prophecy). Очень надеюсь, что она вам нравится.

by D. Eddings

1. As he grew a bit older, it even became a game. (Когда он стал постарше, это даже стало игрой) 2. Garion would watch until she seemed far too busy to notice him, and then, laughing, he would run on his sturdy little legs toward a door. (Гарион смотрел пока она не казалась слишком занятой чтобы заметить его, и потом, смеясь, бежал на своих маленьких крепких ножках в сторону двери) 3. But she would always catch him. (Но она всегда ловила его) 4. And he would laugh and throw his arms around her neck and kiss her and then go back to watching for his next chance to run away again. (И он смеялся, закидывал ручки ей вокруг шеи (= обнимал её), целовал её и возвращался караулить следующий шанс чтобы опять сбежать)

5. He was quite convinced in those early years that his Aunt Pol was quite the most important and beautiful woman in the world. (Он был совершенно убеждён в те ранние годы что его тётя Пол была в самом деле самой важной и красивой женщиной в мире) 6. For one thing, she was taller than the other women on Faldor's farm-very nearly as tall as a man-and her face was always serious-even stern except with him, of course. (Во-первых, она была выше остальных женщин на ферме Фалдора – почти такая же высокая как мужчина, и её лицо всегда было серьёзным, даже строгим, кроме как с ним, конечно) 7. Her hair was long and very dark-almost black-all but one lock just above her left brow which was white as new snow. (Её волосы были длинными и очень тёмными, почти чёрными, все кроме одного локона прямо над левой бровью, который был белым как свежевыпавший снег.) 8. At night when she tucked him into the little bed close beside her own in their private room above the kitchen, he would reach out and touch that white lock; she would smile at him and touch his face with a soft hand. (Вечером когда она укладывала его в кроватку рядом со своей в их собственной комнате над кухней, он протягивал руку и дотрагивался до этого белого локона; она улыбалась ему и прикасалась к его лицу тёплой рукой) 9. Then he would sleep, content in the knowledge that she was there, watching over him. (Тогда он засыпал, довольный сознанием того что она была там и присматривала за ним)


1. as – когда
As he grew a bit older, it even became a game.

2. far – слишком
notice – заметить
laugh – смеяться
sturdy – крепкий
toward – по направлению
Garion would watch until she seemed far too busy to notice him, and then, laughing, he would run on his sturdy little legs toward a door.

4. throw – кинуть
neck – шея
kiss – целовать
And he would laugh and throw his arms around her neck and kiss her and then go back to watching for his next chance to run away again.

5. quite – 1) совершенно 2) в самом деле
convince – убедить
the most – самый
He was quite convinced in those early years that his Aunt Pol was quite the most important and beautiful woman in the world.

6. nearly – почти
stern – строгий
except – кроме, за исключением
of course – конечно
For one thing, she was taller than the other women on Faldor's farm-very nearly as tall as a man-and her face was always serious-even stern except with him, of course.

7. but – кроме, за исключением
lock – локон
just – как раз
above – над
brow – бровь
Her hair was long and very dark-almost black-all but one lock just above her left brow which was white as new snow.

8. tuck (in) – подоткнуть одеяло, укрыть одеялом
beside – рядом
own – собственный
reach – тянуться
touch – трогать
At night when she tucked him into the little bed close beside her own in their private room above the kitchen, he would reach out and touch that white lock; she would smile at him and touch his face with a soft hand.

9. content – довольный
over – за
Then he would sleep, content in the knowledge that she was there, watching over him.


2. Garion would watch until she seemed far too busy to notice him, and then, laughing, he would run on his sturdy little legs toward a door. 3. But she would always catch him. 4. And he would laugh and throw his arms around her neck and kiss her and then go back to watching for his next chance to run away again.
В английском языке, если рассказ ведется в прошлом, но о каком-то будущем (относительно момента, в котором ведется рассказ) событии, вместо “will” (обычная форма будущего времени) ставится “would” (так называемое «будущее в прошедшем»).

8. At night when she tucked him into the little bed close beside her own in their private room above the kitchen, he would reach out and touch that white lock; she would smile at him and touch his face with a soft hand. 9. Then he would sleep, content in the knowledge that she was there, watching over him.
В английском языке, если рассказ ведется в прошлом, но о каком-то будущем (относительно момента, в котором ведется рассказ) событии, вместо “will” (обычная форма будущего времени) ставится “would” (так называемое «будущее в прошедшем»).


2. far too – чрезмерно
Garion would watch until she seemed far too busy to notice him, and then, laughing, he would run on his sturdy little legs toward a door.

6. for one thing – во-первых
as … as – такая же ... как
For one thing, she was taller than the other women on Faldor's farm-very nearly as tall as a man-and her face was always serious-even stern except with him, of course.

8. tuck someone into bed – укладывать кого-то в кровать, спать
reach out – вытягивать (руку), тянуться за чем-то
At night when she tucked him into the little bed close beside her own in their private room above the kitchen, he would reach out and touch that white lock; she would smile at him and touch his face with a soft hand.

9. watch over someone – доглядывать, присматривать за кем-то
Then he would sleep, content in the knowledge that she was there, watching over him.


As he grew a bit older, it even became a game. Garion would watch until she seemed far too busy to notice him, and then, laughing, he would run on his sturdy little legs toward a door. But she would always catch him. And he would laugh and throw his arms around her neck and kiss her and then go back to watching for his next chance to run away again.

He was quite convinced in those early years that his Aunt Pol was quite the most important and beautiful woman in the world. For one thing, she was taller than the other women on Faldor's farm-very nearly as tall as a man-and her face was always serious-even stern except with him, of course. Her hair was long and very dark-almost black-all but one lock just above her left brow which was white as new snow. At night when she tucked him into the little bed close beside her own in their private room above the kitchen, he would reach out and touch that white lock; she would smile at him and touch his face with a soft hand. Then he would sleep, content in the knowledge that she was there, watching over him.

В интернет-магазине Прикладного Образования можно купить книги по Технологии Обучения, словари, литературу и диски в помощь изучающим английский язык.


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Бесплатная лекция

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В классе Прикладного Образования СНГ (Москва, ул. Б. Переяславская, дом 11) вы можете пройти курсы:

      • по технологии обучения;
      • по общению;
      • курсы по улучшению жизни.

Более полную информацию о курсах смотрите на сайте Прикладного Образования.

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Английский язык: говорить легко!
Английский: идиомы, фразеологизмы, пословицы, язык прессы.
Английский с Матушкой Гусыней для детей и взрослых
Новости АНО "Прикладное Образование СНГ"
Деловой английский без отрыва от дел!
Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!
Как превратить учёбу в удовольствие
Английские слова: употребляем правильно
Учимся вместе: математика
Учимся вместе: русский язык

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