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Ну вот и пришло время для новых приключений. Сегодня мы начнём разбирать кусочек (самое начало) книги Дэвида Эддингса – Обретение Чуда (David Eddings – The Pawn of Prophecy). Перевод названия на русский язык скорее литературный чем дословный, близко к тексту книга называлась бы «Пешка в Руках Пророчества». Эта книга из раздела фантастики написана очень красивым, хоть и не сложным языком. Надеюсь, вы сами сможете в этом убедиться и быть может даже найдёте время дочитать до конца.
by D. Eddings
1. THE FIRST THING the boy Garion remebered was the kitchen at Faldor's farm. (Первое, что запомнил мальчик Гарион была кухня на ферме Фолдора) 2. For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home. (В течение всей своей жизни и него оставалось особенное теплое чувство к кухням, и тем особым
звукам и запахам, которые каким-то образом совмещались в суетливую серьёзность ассоциировавшуюся с любовью, едой, уютом, чувством защищённости, а главное - с домом.) 3. No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that kitchen. (Не важно как высоко Гарион поднялся в жизни, он никогда не забывал что все его воспоминания начались в той кухне)
4. The kitchen at Faldor's farm was a large, low-beamed room filled with ovens and kettles and great spits that turned slowly in cavernlike arched fireplaces. (Кухня на ферме Фолдора была большой низкой комнатой заполненной печками, чайниками, огромными вертелами которые медленно поворачивались в сводяатых, похожих на пещеры каминах) 5. There were long, heavy worktables where bread was kneaded into loaves and chickens were cut up and carrots and celery were diced with quick, crisp rocking movements
of long, curved knives. (Там были длинные тяжёлые столы на которых замешивали и формировали хлеб в караваи, разделывали кур, быстрыми точными покачиваниями длинных изогнутых ножей резали кубиками морковь и сельдерей) 6. When Garion was very small, he played under those tables and soon learned to keep his fingers and toes out from under the feet of the kitchen helpers who worked around them. (Когда Гарион был очень маленьким, он играл под этими столами и очень скоро научился держать свои пальцы подальше
от ног поварят которые работали вокруг них) 7. And sometimes in the late afternoon when he grew tired, he would lie in a corner and stare into one of the flickering fires that gleamed and reflected back from the hundred polished pots and knives and long-handled spoons that hung from pegs along the whitewashed walls and, all bemused, he would drift off into sleep in perfect peace and harmony with all the world around him. (Иногда к вечеру, когда он уставал, он ложился в уголке и пристально смотрел в мерцающие
языки пламени, которые вспыхивали и отражались от сотен отполированных кастрюль, ножей, и ложек с длинными ручками которые висели на колышках вдоль побеленых стен, и совсем завороженный он засыпал с ощущением абсолютного спокойствия и гормонии со всем окружающим его миром)
2. for – в течение
peculiar – специфический, необычный
bustling – суетливый For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home.
3. rose (rise) – поднялся (подняться) No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that kitchen.
4. low-beamed – с низким потолком
oven – печь
kettle – чайник
spit – вертел
cavernlike – похожий на пещеру
arched – в форме арки, сводчатый
fireplace – камин The kitchen at Faldor's farm was a large, low-beamed room filled with ovens and kettles and great spits that turned slowly in cavernlike arched fireplaces.
5. knead – месить
loaf – буханка, булка, каравай ..
celery – сельдерей
dice – нарезать кубиками
crisp – чёткий
rocking – шарнирный, раскачивающийся
curved – изогнутый
knife – нож There were long, heavy worktables where bread was kneaded into loaves and chickens were cut up and carrots and celery were diced with quick, crisprocking movements of long, curved knives.
6. toe – палец на ноге When Garion was very small, he played under those tables and soon learned to keep his fingers and toes out from under the feet of the kitchen helpers who worked around them.
7. lie (lay) – лежал (лежать)
stare – пялиться, пристально смотреть
flickering – мерцающий
gleam – вспышка
reflect – отражать
polished – полированный
pot – горшок
spoon – ложка
hung (hang) – висел (висеть)
peg – колышек, деревянный гвоздь
along – вдоль
whitewashed – побеленые
bemused – в оцепенение
drift – дрейфовать And sometimes in the late afternoon when he grew tired, he would lie in a corner and stare into one of the flickering fires that gleamed and reflected back from the hundred polishedpots and knives and long-handled spoons that hung from pegsalong the whitewashed walls and, all bemused, he would drift off into sleep in perfect peace and harmony with all the world around him.
2. have to do with – связан с For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home.
3. no matter – не важно No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that kitchen.
7. drift off – погружаться в сон And sometimes in the late afternoon when he grew tired, he would lie in a corner and stare into one of the flickering fires that gleamed and reflected back from the hundred polished pots and knives and long-handled spoons that hung from pegs along the whitewashed walls and, all bemused, he would drift off into sleep in perfect peace and harmony with all the world around him.
THE FIRST THING the boy Garion remebered was the kitchen at Faldor's farm. For all the rest of his life he had a special warm feeling for kitchens and those peculiar sounds and smells that seemed somehow to combine into a bustling seriousness that had to do with love and food and comfort and security and, above all, home. No matter how high Garion rose in life, he never forgot that all his memories began in that kitchen.
The kitchen at Faldor's farm was a large, low-beamed room filled with ovens and kettles and great spits that turned slowly in cavernlike arched fireplaces. There were long, heavy worktables where bread was kneaded into loaves and chickens were cut up and carrots and celery were diced with quick, crisp rocking movements of long, curved knives. When Garion was very small, he played under those tables and soon learned to keep his fingers and toes out from under the feet of the kitchen helpers who worked around
them. And sometimes in the late afternoon when he grew tired, he would lie in a corner and stare into one of the flickering fires that gleamed and reflected back from the hundred polished pots and knives and long-handled spoons that hung from pegs along the whitewashed walls and, all bemused, he would drift off into sleep in perfect peace and harmony with all the world around him.
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