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Выпуск No32

Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 33 (65) от 2009-08-13  
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 7925


Дорогие читатели!

Спасибо вам большое за ваши предложения и пожелания, они помогли сделать правильный выбор для нашей следующей работы. Мы попробуем разобрать что-нибудь не столь серьёзное и длинное.

Лето – традиционное время отдыха, не правда ли? Так давайте же отдохнём и улыбнёмся вместе. Готовы? Сегодня мы начнём работать над английской детской сказкой под названием «Три Глупца» (“The Three Sillies” by Joseph Jacobs).

by J. Jacobs

1. Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had one daughter, and she was courted by a gentleman. (Жили-были фермер и его жена, у которой была одна дочь, и за этой дочерью ухаживал джентельмен) 2. Every evening he used to come and see her, and stop to supper at the farmhouse, and the daughter used to be sent down into the cellar to draw the beer for supper. (Каждый вечер у него была привычка приходить чтобы увидеть её, и оставаться поужинать на ферме, и дочь обычно посылали вниз в погреб нацедить пива на ужин) 3. So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and she happened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she saw a mallet stuck in one of the beams. (И вот одним вечером она спустилась чтобы нацедить пива, и случайно посмотрела вверх на потолок пока цедила, и увидела деревянный молоток застрявший в одном из брусьев) 4. It must have been there a long, long time, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and she began a-thinking. (Наверняка он там был уже очень и очень давно, но так или иначе она никогда его раньше не замечала, и начала думать) 5. And she thought it was very dangerous to have that mallet there, for she said to herself: 'Suppose him and me was to be married, and we was to have a son, and he was to grow up to be a man, and come down into the cellar to draw the beer, like as I'm doing now, and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!' (А что если мы с ним поженимся, и у нас родится сын, и он выростет мужчиной и спустится в погреб чтобы нацедить пива, как я сейчас, и молоток упадёт ему на голову и убьёт его, это было бы чудовищно!) 6. And she put down the candle and the jug, and sat herself down and began a-crying. (И она поставила свечу и кувшин, уселась и начала рыдать)

7. Well, they began to wonder upstairs how it was that she was so long drawing the beer, and her mother went down to see after her, and she found her sitting on the settle crying, and the beer running over the floor. (Ну, наверху начали интересоваться как так могло быть что она так долго цедит пиво, и её мать спустилась чтобы присмотреть за ней, и нашла её сидящей на скамье в слезах, и с пивом бегущим по полу) 8. 'Why, whatever is the matter?' said her mother. («Боже мой, что случилось?» сказала её мать) 9. 'Oh, mother!' says she, 'look at that horrid mallet! («О, мамочка!» говорит она, «посмотри на этот ужасный молоток!») 10. Suppose we was to be married, and was to have a son, and he was to grow up, and was to come down to the cellar to draw the beer, and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!' (Предположим мы поженимся, и у нас родится сын, и он выростет и спустится в погреб чтобы нацедить пива, и молоток упадёт ему на голову и убьёт его, это было бы чудовищно!) 11. 'Dear, dear! what a dreadful thing it would be!' said the mother, and she sat down aside of the daughter and started a-crying too. («Боже мой, боже мой! это было бы чудовищно!» сказала мать, и она села встороне от дочери и тоже начала плакать)


1. upon – в (во временном значение)
court – ухаживать, добиваться
Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had one daughter, and she was courted by a gentleman.

2. used to – иметь привычку, «обычно что-то делалось»
cellar – погреб
supper – ужинать
draw – нацеживать
Every evening he used to come and see her, and stop to supper at the farmhouse, and the daughter used to be sent down into the cellar to draw the beer for supper.

3. mallet – деревянный молоток
stuck – торчащий, застрявший
beam – балка
So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and she happened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she saw a mallet stuck in one of the beams.

4. somehow – как-то
It must have been there a long, long time, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and she began a-thinking.

5. for – ибо; ввиду того, что
suppose – а что, если
dreadful – чудовищный
And she thought it was very dangerous to have that mallet there, for she said to herself: 'Suppose him and me was to be married, and we was to have a son, and he was to grow up to be a man, and come down into the cellar to draw the beer, like as I'm doing now, and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!'

6. candle – свеча
jug – кувшин
And she put down the candle and the jug, and sat herself down and began a-crying.

7. wonder – интересоваться, размышлять
upstairs – выше этажом
settle – скамья со спинкой и подлокотниками, имеющая ящик под сиденьем
Well, they began to wonder upstairs how it was that she was so long drawing the beer, and her mother went down to see after her, and she found her sitting on the settle crying, and the beer running over the floor.

8. why – ба!, боже мой!
'Why, whatever is the matter?' said her mother.

9. horrid – ужасный
'Oh, mother!' says she, 'look at that horrid mallet!

11. dear – боже мой!
aside – встороне, отдельно
'Dear, dear! what a dreadful thing it would be!' said the mother, and she sat down aside of the daughter and started a-crying too.


3. So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and she happened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she saw a mallet stuck in one of the beams.
Форма “had done” использована, чтобы показать, что один момент о котором идёт речь (она спустилась) случился, закончился, имел место дальше в прошлом чем другой (она увидела молоток).

4. It must have been there a long, long time, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and she began a-thinking.
“Must have done” – форма прошлого времени для “must”


1. once upon a time – давным давно, жили были (присказка)
Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had one daughter, and she was courted by a gentleman.

3. happen to – случайно, так случилось что
So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and she happened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she saw a mallet stuck in one of the beams.

4. somehow or other – так или иначе
It must have been there a long, long time, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and she began a-thinking.

7. to see after someone – присмотреть за кем-нибудь
Well, they began to wonder upstairs how it was that she was so long drawing the beer, and her mother went down to see after her, and she found her sitting on the settle crying, and the beer running over the floor.

11. aside of something – встороне от, отдельно от
'Dear, dear! what a dreadful thing it would be!' said the mother, and she sat down aside of the daughter and started a-crying too.


ONCE upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had one daughter, and she was courted by a gentleman. Every evening he used to come and see her, and stop to supper at the farmhouse, and the daughter used to be sent down into the cellar to draw the beer for supper. So one evening she had gone down to draw the beer, and she happened to look up at the ceiling while she was drawing, and she saw a mallet stuck in one of the beams. It must have been there a long, long time, but somehow or other she had never noticed it before, and she began a-thinking. And she thought it was very dangerous to have that mallet there, for she said to herself: 'Suppose him and me was to be married, and we was to have a son, and he was to grow up to be a man, and come down into the cellar to draw the beer, like as I'm doing now, and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!' And she put down the candle and the jug, and sat herself down and began a-crying.

Well, they began to wonder upstairs how it was that she was so long drawing the beer, and her mother went down to see after her, and she found her sitting on the settle crying, and the beer running over the floor. 'Why, whatever is the matter?' said her mother. 'Oh, mother!' says she, 'look at that horrid mallet! Suppose we was to be married, and was to have a son, and he was to grow up, and was to come down to the cellar to draw the beer, and the mallet was to fall on his head and kill him, what a dreadful thing it would be!' 'Dear, dear! what a dreadful thing it would be!' said the mother, and she sat down aside of the daughter and started a-crying too.

В интернет-магазине Прикладного Образования можно купить книги по Технологии Обучения, словари, литературу и диски в помощь изучающим английский язык.


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Бесплатная лекция

Традиционная бесплатная лекция"Как превратить учёбу в удовольствие".
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В классе Прикладного Образования СНГ (Москва, ул. Б. Переяславская, дом 11) вы можете пройти курсы:

      • по технологии обучения;
      • по общению;
      • курсы по улучшению жизни.

Летний цикл обучения проходит с 1 по 31 августа 2009 года.
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Ближайшие вводные уроки состоятся 13-14 августа в 19:20, 15 августа в 13:30.
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В Москве можно обучаться в группах бизнес-уровня
курса "English as a Second Language".

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Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!
Как превратить учёбу в удовольствие
Английские слова: употребляем правильно
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