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Сегодня мы продолжаем нашу работу над первой частью повести Ричарда Баха – Чайка по имени Джонатан Ливингстон.
by R. Bach
1. By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again. (К восходу солнца, чайка по имени Джонатан опять упражнялся) 2. From five thousand feet
the fishing boats were specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was
a faint cloud of dust motes, circling. (С высоты пяти тысяч футов, рыбацкие лодки были точками на плоской синей воде, и Стая за завтраком казалась кружащимся неясным облачком пылинок)
3. He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his
fear was under control. (Он чувствовал себя живым, чуть дрожжа от наслаждения, горд что держал под контролем свой страх) 4. Then without ceremony he hugged in his forewings,
extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged directly toward the sea. (Без промедления, он крепко прижал широкую часть крыльев, вытянул короткие уголки их кончиков, и решительно нырнул в море)
5. By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity,
the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no
faster. (К тому времени, как он прошёл отметку в четыре тысячи футов, он достиг наивысшей скорости, ветер был сплошной колотящей стеной звука, против которой он уже не мог двигаться быстрее) 6. He was flying now straight down, at two hundred fourteen miles per
hour. (Он теперь летел прямо вниз, на скорости двухсот сорока миль в час) 7. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he'd
be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. (Он сглотнул, осознавая что если бы его крылья развернулись на такой скорости, его бы разорвало на миллион малюсеньких клочков чайки) 8. But the speed was power,
and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty. (Но скорость была мощью, скорость была наслаждением, скорость была чистой красотой)
9. He began his pullout at a thousand feet, wingtips thudding and
blurring in that gigantic wind, the boat and the crowd of gulls tilting
and growing meteor-fast, directly in his path. (Он начал выходить из пике на высоте в одну тысячу футов, его крылья глухо гудя, их очертания размыты могучим ветром, лодка со стаей накренились и росли со скоростью приблежающегося метеорита прямо на его пути)
10. He couldn't stop; he didn't know yet even how to turn at that speed. (Он не мог остановиться; он ещё не знал даже как повернуть на такой скорости)
11. Collision would be instant death. (Столкновение привело бы к мгновенной смерти)
12. And so he shut his eyes. (И поэтому он закрыл глаза)
1. sunup [с’анап] – восход солнца By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again.
2. speck [спэк] – точка
flock [флок] – стая
faint [фэйнт] – нечёткий, тусклый
mote [м’оут] – соринка From five thousand feet
the fishing boats were specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was
a faint cloud of dust motes, circling.
3. tremble [трэмбл] – дрожжать
delight [дэл’айт] – наслаждение He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his
fear was under control.
4. forewing [ф’о:уинг] – широкая передняя часть крыла, та что ближе к телу
extend [экстэнд] – протянуть
angled [энглд] – углом, в форме угла
wingtip [у’ингтип] – кончик крыла
plunge [пландж] – нырять (решительно) Then without ceremony he hugged in his forewings,
extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged directly toward the sea.
5. pass [пас] – пройти
terminal [т’ёрминал] – окончательный
solid [с’олид] – сплошной By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity,
the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no
7. swallow [су’алоу] – проглотить, сделать глотательное движение
unfold [анф’олд] – развернуть
blow [бл’оу] – взрывать
tiny [т’айни] – малюсенький
shred [шрэд] – клочок He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he'd
be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull.
8. power [п’ауэ:] – мощь But the speed was power,
and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty.
9. pullout [п’улаут] – выход
thud [Сад] – ударяться с глухим стуком
blur [блё:] – сделаться неясным
tilt [тилт] – наклоняться, поворачиваться He began his pullout at a thousand feet, wingtips thudding and
blurring in that gigantic wind, the boat and the crowd of gulls tilting
and growing meteor-fast, directly in his path.
11. collision [кал’ижэн] – столкновение Collision would be instant death.
12. shut [шат] – захлопнуть And so he shut his eyes.
5. By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity,
the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no
Форма “had done” использована, чтобы показать, что до того момента в прошлом, о котором идет речь (данный момент в истории), что-то случилось, закончилось, имело место (скорость была развита).
7. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he'd
be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull.
Форма “would do” использована, чтобы передать русское «бы» (если бы, да кабы и т.д.). Эта форма используется тогда, когда речь идет о том, произошло бы что-нибудь когда-либо вообще.
11. Collision would be instant death. В английском языке, если рассказ ведется в прошлом, но о каком-то будущем (для момента, в котором ведется рассказ) событии, вместо “will” (обычная форма будущего времени) ставится “would” (так называемое «будущее в прошедшем»).
3. ever so – крайне, очень He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his
fear was under control.
4. hug in – крепко вжать, «притиснуть» Then without ceremony he hugged in his forewings,
extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged directly toward the sea.
By sunup, Jonathan Gull was practicing again. From five thousand feet
the fishing boats were specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was
a faint cloud of dust motes, circling.
He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his
fear was under control. Then without ceremony he hugged in his forewings,
extended his short, angled wingtips, and plunged directly toward the sea.
By the time he passed four thousand feet he had reached terminal velocity,
the wind was a solid beating wall of sound against which he could move no
faster. He was flying now straight down, at two hundred fourteen miles per
hour. He swallowed, knowing that if his wings unfolded at that speed he'd
be blown into a million tiny shreds of seagull. But the speed was power,
and the speed was joy, and the speed was pure beauty.
HHe began his pullout at a thousand feet, wingtips thudding and
blurring in that gigantic wind, the boat and the crowd of gulls tilting
and growing meteor-fast, directly in his path.
He couldn't stop; he didn't know yet even how to turn at that speed.
Collision would be instant death.
And so he shut his eyes.
В субботу, 23 мая, Прикладное Образование СНГ организует семинар "Как вырастить счастливого и способного ребёнка". Ведёт семинар Марк Мак Квейд (Англия).
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