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Выпуск 18

Переводи с английского сейчас и сразу!

Образовательные материалы и услуги,
основанные на работах Л. Рона Хаббарда

Выпуск № 18 (25)   от 2008-11-20
Количество человек, получивших этот выпуск: 4685


Сегодня мы продолжаем работу над фантастической книгой

by Christopher Paolini

Inheritance, book 1, prologue: shade of fear
Наследие, книга 1, пролог: мрак страха

1. Eyes brightened under the Urgals’ thick brows, and the creatures gripped their weapons tighter (Глаза заблестели под густыми бровями Ургалов, и создания сжали свои оружия еще сильнее). 2. Ahead of them, the Shade heard a clink as something hard struck a loose stone (Впереди Мрак услышал звон, как что-то твердое ударилось о валявшийся камень). 3. Faint smudges emerged from the darkness and advanced down the trail (Едва видные пятна возникли из темноты и продвинулись вдоль тропы).

4. Three white horses with riders cantered toward the ambush, their heads held high and proud, their coats rippling in the moonlight like liquid silver (Три белые лошади с наездниками рысили к засаде, их головы держались высоко и горделиво, их плащи струились в лунном свете, как жидкое серебро).

5. On the first horse was an elf with pointed ears and elegantly slanted eyebrows (На первой лошади был эльф с заостренными ушами и элегантно изогнутыми бровями). 6. His build was slim but strong, like a rapier (Его сложение было стройным, но сильным, как рапира). 7. A powerful bow was slung on his back (Мощный лук был переброшен на его спину). 8. A sword pressed against his side opposite a quiver of arrows fletched with swan feathers (Меч прижался к его боку по другую сторону от колчана стрел, оперенных лебедиными перьями).

9. The last rider had the same fair face and angled features as the other (У последнего наездника было такое же бледное лицо и заостренные черты, как и у первого). 10. He carried a long spear in his right hand and a white dagger at his belt (Он нес длинное копье в своей правой руке и белый кинжал возле ремня). 11. A helm of extraordinary craftsmanship, wrought with amber and gold, rested on his head (Шлем невероятно искусной работы, отделанный янтарем и золотом, покоился на его голове).

12. Between these two rode a raven-haired elven lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise (Между этими двумя ехала эльфийка с волосами, как вороново крыла, которая горделиво осматривала окрестности) . 13. Framed by long black locks, her deep eyes shone with a driving force (Обрамленные длинными черными локонами, ее глубокие глаза сияли побуждающей силой). 14. Her clothes were unadorned, yet her beauty was undiminished (Ее одежда была без изысков, все же ее красота не уменьшилась). 15. At her side was a sword, and on her back a long bow with a quiver (На ее боку был меч, на ее спине длинный лук с колчаном). 16. She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there (На коленях у себя она держала мешок, на который часто смотрела, как будто чтобы успокоить себя, что он все еще был там).


1. brow – бровь:
“Eyes brightened under the Urgals’ thick brows, and the creatures gripped their weapons tighter”

2. loose – валяющийся, ничем не закрепленный:
“Ahead of them, the Shade heard a clink as something hard struck a loose stone”

3. to advance – продвигаться, двигаться вперед:
“Faint smudges emerged from the darkness and advanced down the trail”

6. build – телосложение, сложение:
“His build was slim but strong, like a rapier”

7. bow – лук:
“A powerful bow was slung on his back”

8. opposite – по другую сторону от:
“A sword pressed against his side opposite a quiver of arrows fletched with swan feathers”

9. fair – бледный, очень светлый:
“The last rider had the same fair face and angled features as the other”

10. the other – другой, второй из двух:
“The last rider had the same fair face and angled features as the other”

10, 15. at – возле, около, у:
“He carried a long spear in his right hand and a white dagger at his belt”
“At her side was a sword, and on her back a long bow with a quiver”

12. surroundings – окрестности, местность:
“Between these two rode a raven-haired elven lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise”

12. with poise – горделиво:
“Between these two rode a raven-haired elven lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise”

13. lock – локон:
“Framed by long black locks, her deep eyes shone with a driving force”

14. yet – все же:
“Her clothes were unadorned, yet her beauty was undiminished”

16. as if – как если бы:
“She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there”


14. clothes are/ were – одежда есть, была:
“Her clothes were unadorned, yet her beauty was undiminished”

16. in one’s lap – у себя на коленях:
“She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there”

16. to look at – смотреть на:
“She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there”


Eyes brightened under the Urgals’ thick brows, and the creatures gripped their weapons tighter. Ahead of them, the Shade heard a clink as something hard struck a loose stone. Faint smudges emerged from the darkness and advanced down the trail.
Three white horses with riders cantered toward the ambush, their heads held high and proud, their coats rippling in the moonlight like liquid silver.

On the first horse was an elf with pointed ears and elegantly slanted eyebrows. His build was slim but strong, like a rapier. A powerful bow was slung on his back. A sword pressed against his side opposite a quiver of arrows fletched with swan feathers.
The last rider had the same fair face and angled features as the other. He carried a long spear in his right hand and a white dagger at his belt. A helm of extraordinary craftsmanship, wrought with amber and gold, rested on his head.

Between these two rode a raven-haired elven lady, who surveyed her surroundings with poise. Framed by long black locks, her deep eyes shone with a driving force. Her clothes were unadorned, yet her beauty was undiminished. At her side was a sword, and on her back a long bow with a quiver. She carried in her lap a pouch that she frequently looked at, as if to reassure herself that it was still there.

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Бесплатная лекция

23 ноября в 12 часов в помещении офиса Прикладного Образования СНГ
состоится бесплатная лекция "Как превратить учёбу в удовольствие".


В классе Прикладного Образования СНГ (Москва, ул. Б. Переяславская, дом 11) вы можете пройти курсы:

      • по технологии обучения;
      • по общению;
      • курсы по улучшению жизни.

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по рабочим дням, кроме среды - с 14 до 18 часов,
каждое второе воскресенье месяца - с 12 до 18 часов.

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courses@apscis.ru, (495) 680-66-73, 680-83-45? 507-87-09.

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Ближайшие вводные уроки состоятся сегодня, 20 ноября в 19:20, а также 22 ноября в 13:30.
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