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English Speaking Club

English Speaking Club

Water How much water do you drink every day? How many glasses of water should people drink every day? How long can a person live without drinking any water? How long have you gone without drinking anything? Can you swim? How often do you go swimming? Where is a good place to go swimming near here? Try to name 10 water sports. Not being able to get clean drinking water is a big problem in many places. What are some ways we can help people get clean drinking water? Think of the biggest river in your country....

2019-04-13 11:25:36 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Friendship

Friendship one of the most important things to have for a fulfilling life. It's definitely hard to put a price on a good friend. Have a conversation about friendship using these questions about your friends and friendship in general. Who is your best friend ? Why is he/she your best friend ? What quality do you value most in your friends? Are any of your friends completely opposite to you or are most of them similar to you? Do you make friends easily or do you find it difficult to make new friends? What ar...

2019-02-09 18:23:30 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Pressure of Being a Student

1. In what countries do you think it is hardest to be a student? Why? 2. In what countries is it easiest to be a student? Why? 3. What's the hardest thing about being a student in your country? 4. Do you think it would be easier or harder to be a home schooled student? Why? 5. What should be changed about the school system in your country? 6. What do you think about standardized tests? Is there a better system for evaluating students? 7. What do you (or did you) struggle with most as a student? 8. How much...

2019-01-28 10:59:35 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Music in my life

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. Music in my life The word `music' itself has come from the name of nine ancient goddesses, the muses who were considered to inspire artists and scientists. The history of music counts hundreds of years. Now it plays a significant role in modern youth's li...

2018-06-13 18:54:22 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Latino/Hispanic culture in U.S.

English Speaking Club Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. Latino/Hispanic culture in U.S. The terms Hispanic and Latino refer to an ethnicity sharing a common history, culture, and language. Hispanics are often defined as people from Spain or any country that is Spanish speaking in Latin Am...

2018-05-16 16:49:29 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. Appearance - a short story Meeting people for the first time we always make a judgment based on their appearances though the proverb tells us not to make such a mistake. Appearances are really deceptive; it's like a wrap of a sweet. I believe that everyon...

2017-10-17 09:54:27 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Do Not Harm a Person of Good Will

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. Do Not Harm a Person of Good Will There is a little town that is far from any big city. It is isolated and the only school is very small and does not have much support, so the people who live in the town cannot get good education. One day, a new lady move...

2017-04-19 18:21:39 + Комментировать


Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. POPULAR SPORTS AROUND THE WORLD For centuries, people have been playing kicking games with a ball. The game of soccer developed from some of these early games. The English probably gave soccer its name and its first set of rules. In European countries, so...

2017-04-06 16:28:23 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. The piranha The piranha is a much-maligned fish. Most people think that this is a deadly creature that swarms through rivers and creeks of the Amazon rainforest looking for victims to tear apart. And woe betide anyone unlucky enough to be in the same wate...

2017-03-23 13:53:12 + Комментировать

English Speaking Club Civilization

Языковой Центр Lingvo Studio Языковой центр Lingvo Studio выпускает рассылку, из которой Вы узнаете много новой разговорной лексики, получите интересную информацию на самые разные темы, сможете легко запомнить и усвоить сложные грамматические конструкции. Civilization What are the good parts of our civilization ? First and foremost there are order and safety. If today I have a quarrel with another man, I do not get beaten merely because I am physically weaker and he can kick me down. I go to law, and the l...

2017-02-22 17:04:37 + Комментировать

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