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Увлекательный Английский (цитаты, поговорки, метафоры) *12


"Attractive English"
Author Irene Aramova


"Увлекательный Английский"
Грамотные Эффективные Программы
Усвоения Английского Языка!

Здравствуйте, мои Дорогие Друзья!    

Озвученные заметки для Вас на блоге "Учить английский с Ириной Арамовой":

Hello, my dear friends!

      Я обожаю учиться, и я всегда помню некоторые поговорки об этом.
"Live and learn" (Век живи – век учись
      век - lifetime 
"It is never too late to learn". (Учиться никогда не поздно)

Познакомьтесь с Randall Butisingh - самым, наверное, пожилым блоггером в мире. Редалу 1 декабря исполнилось 96. Он пишет в своем блоге об экономике и поззии, религии и истории, пишет от сердца.

Он верит, что обучение - это процесс, который никогда не заканчивается. Человек учится до конца своей жизни:

"I am a learner. I believe that when one stops learning he ceases to live and that it is never too late to learn.”" 
      cease - переставать (делать что-л.) , прекращать
В 80 лет он начал изучать арабский, чтобы иметь возможность читать Коран. В 95 он начал изучать испанский и делает это постепенно, шаг за шагом. У него живой ум  и страстный интерес к жизни, сейчас он изучает на хинди религию и философию. 

"Our greatest mistake, in my opinion, is to think that human spirituality is somehow already understood and established. If history tells us anything it is that human culture and knowledge are constantly evolving. Only individual opinions are fixed and dogmatic. Truth is more dynamic than that, and the great joy of life is in letting go, in finding our own special truth that is ours to tell, and then watching the synchronistic way this truth evolves and takes a clearer form, just when it is needed to impact someone’s life.”" 
                                                                         Randall Butisingh

My Birthday Message - 2008:

My dear Brothers and Sisters wherever you are, Greetings!

December 1, 2008 is the 96th Birth Anniversary of my sojourn on planet earth in my transitory fleshly garb, awaiting the inevitable when I shall have to discard it and be ready for Higher Service. On this occasion, this is my message to you:

Live today as if it will be your last,, but at the same time work and learn as if you will live forever, and remember always that it is never too late to learn. You may not live as long as I have, but it is possible that you may live longer. Know this, that longevity has no meaning if it is not lived purposefully. We live in deeds, not years, and a short life lived with real purpose is far better than a long one lived aimlessly As the poet puts it: ”Better to die in the flower of youth in trying to win a noble name, than to live to a good old age and die like a sheep in the pasture.” Some of our great men who have added lustre to the human race were cut down in their prime but their contributions to humanity will live on to the end of time to guide us.

Remember, also, that no matter how long you live, it is only a blink of the eye in the context of eternity, and that God who is a God of the Now, the Present see you as you are in the present and not as in the past, Sinful, fallible man try to unearth your past so that he can drag you down to his own insipid level.

I have made many errors and bad judgments in the past which must have hurt some one or the other, and perhaps will make more in the future, but not willfully, because I am only human; but thank God, I have, with the help of the wise, been able to see a tiny spark of His light and am making every endeavour to follow it. May you also see that spark of the Light which always follows you.

Here is how the Hymn Writer puts it:

"O Light that followest all my way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee; My heart restores its borrowed ray, That in Thy sunshine’s blaze its day May brighter, fairer be". -G. Matheson.

Finally I would like to remind you that we are all here to Serve one another. Service with love is the only way to find fulfillment in your life. Give and it will be given unto you. Cast your bread upon the waters and one day it will return to you, for in doing these things your reward will not only be transient material comforts, but ineffable joy and the Peace that passeth all understanding.

May God bless you and keep you. May His Light shine upon you and give you Peace.

Your brother in Spirit. 

I feel great admiration for Mr. Randall Butisingh. And I hope all our readers join me and say: It is never too late to learn. 

Good bye! 
Цитата на память:
Live today as if it will be your last,, but at the same time work and learn as if you will live forever, and remember always that it is never too late to learn.

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Ирина Арамова


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